Former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence have once again endorsed opposing candidates in a midterm primary, as both seem to be geared up for a 2024 presidential run, here are the races where the two are on different sides.
Donald Trump congratulates his running mate, Mike Pence.
The lieutenant governor of Wisconsin, Rebecca Kleefisch, received the endorsement of the vice president.
Kleefisch has broad support from Republican officials across the country, while Trump is essentially on his own in backing the lieutenant governor, who holds a slim lead over the other.
In the Arizona GOP gubernatorial primary, both candidates have strong support from leading Republican figures, and in what looks to be a highly competitive primary, both candidates received endorsements from Vice President Mike Pence and President Donald Trump.
In the Georgia GOP gubernatorial primary, Brian Kemp defeated David Perdue by a wide margin.
In at least three races, Trump and Pence have endorsed the same candidate, with the exception of the Arkansas governor's race.
Both Arizona and Wisconsin have primaries on August 9.
The looming question is if Trump will announce before or after the November elections. A trip to Iowa next month, the site of the first GOP presidential contest, is one of the things that Vice President Mike Pence plans to do when he runs for president. There are signs that the former president's hold on the GOP may be waning, which may make it difficult for the vice president to attract primary voters. The latest RealClearPolitics polling average shows Trump with more than 50% of the vote in a 2024 primary.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, and Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton are some of the Republicans who have expressed interest in running for president.
The staffer says that the vice president told Trump that he couldn't overturn the election results.
According to a report, Trump has made up his mind, but he isn't sure when to announce it.
A poll suggests that nearly half of Republicans don't want Trump to be president in four years.
Georgia Gov.Brian Kemp beat David Perdue in the primary.