The night sky in Australia and New Zealand will be lit up by a trio of meteor showers.
The dark night sky of a new moon is perfect for viewing the meteor showers.
On 28 July, the Piscis Austrinids are expected to peak, followed by the Southern Delta Aquariids and the Alpha Capricornids. The peak time is about 48 hours.
At the peak of the Southern Delta Aquariids, there will be up to 20 an hour of shooting stars.
The shower rate for the Piscis Austrinids is five and four per hour.
Cosmic debris entering the Earth's atmosphere causes meteorite showers. The comets are the source of this debris.
De Marco likened comets to his cat. Imagine a very long ellipse that is full of little bits.
The Earth crosses the path of a comet. When you drive a car through a cloud of insects, you get all of them in the window.
As the debris burns up in the atmosphere, it creates dazzling displays in the sky.
The comet 96P/Machholz is the source of the Southern Delta Aquariids. The Piscis Austrinids are not known where they came from.
The shower is named after a constellation in the sky which appears to be the source of the shower. The star Delta Aquarii is located close to the Southern Delta Aquariid's radiant.
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There will be better views of the shower from the south.
The showers would be visible with the naked eye. He said that you don't need a telescope to see them, you just need a deck chair and an eye.
The peak of Piscis Austrinids is on July 28.
If you are on the east coast of Australia, the Piscis Austrinids will rise around 8pm to the south-eastern part of the country. It's about halfway between the horizon and your head when you look toward the east.
The best viewing time is after 10pm.
The Southern Delta Aquariids will be visible around 11pm to the east-northeastern and 45 degrees up from the horizon. The shower has the fastest shower of the three. The shower will happen in New Zealand.
The Alpha Capricornids will have some fireballs on July 30th. Venus is as bright as fireballs in the morning or evening.
The shower will be visible to the north- northeast at about 11pm on July 30. It can be seen by New Zealanders in the early hours.
The shower is expected to peak on 13 August. There will be more than 100 shooting stars an hour.
She stated that the shower is very close to the horizon.
From the north horizon, you're going to seeeteors going upwards. They are going to look like they are going up.
The best time to view in Australia will be at 5am on August 13th.
The night sky can be modeled in 3D with the help of the open-source software Stellarium.