The College Football Playoff could expand to 16 teams. There is a time and a place for this.
The format of the College Football Playoff could change before the current contracts end, according to the commissioner of the Pacific-12.
The College Football Playoff is going to be expanded. I wouldn't be surprised if we agree on the format before the end of the term. Why would you not agree to the format?
The College Football Playoff board of managers thought that the format wouldn't expand until a new format was put in place. The expansion decision would need to be made in the coming months, so others were skeptical about the timelines. According to sources, the next meeting of the CFP will take place in mid-August.
The most recent meeting of the CFP took place in Utah last month. The meeting was the most productive I've been in. I'm pretty confident that we'll get there.
Can a new format be put in place before the contract ends? It is always difficult to get unanimous approval in a room with so many people.
"We're close to agreeing to a format," he said. We weren't able to do it quickly because of the lack of agreement about a format.
When we first met on this, I said it. The format you agree to can be incorporated into the contract. If we agree on what it looks like past the contract, why wouldn't you do it quickly?
The Big Ten, SEC and Pacific-12 voted against expanding the playoff field in January and February due to a variety of reasons. "Many, many details would have to be worked out" in order for it to happen before the current 12-year contract ends, according to the executive director of theCFP.
"We will have to look at it," he said. There's more to come. The presidents and chancellors haven't discussed expansion of the playoffs since May.
The format will be discussed by the board and management committee. When the Commissioners met in June, they were more open to change and collaboration than they were in February.
The June meeting didn't include any discussion about a 16-team format, and the conversation was more about the positives than the negatives. The idea of rewarding the top four teams with a bye in the 12-team format was initially liked by the Commissioners and Notre Dame.
It would be difficult to expand the field during the current contract because of the possibility of a sped-up timeline for a newCFP.
"I think the calendar is the biggest hurdle," he said. It is not easy to see the intent. The size of the playoffs is so important.
SEC commissioner Greg Sankey was one of the authors of the original proposal. They preferred 12 over 16 because they loved the byes.
He said that any discussions about a 16-team field to this point have been very conceptual.
Sankey was unavailable for comment.
The impact of television contracts has not been studied. Multiple television partners are likely to be one of the steps in the next playoff. All of the rights to the four-team playoffs are owned by Disney. TheCFP aims to potentially model its postseason after the NFL's and have multiple rights holders, so Fox is expected to join the bidding.
The idea of a potential 16-game playoff continues to be perpetuated despite the fact that what that formally looks like still hasn't been decided. The Big Ten commissioner's demand for automatic qualification is one of the main stumbling blocks for the playoffs. One of the issues of the Atlantic Coast Conference is likely to be resolved.
The College Football Playoff should be expanded. There are no issues between 12 and 16. I'm aware of the arguments for and against.
It will be interesting to see if Kevin is going to back away from his demand for automatic qualification. I will listen in the room.
It's likely that the 16-team idea will bring with it calendar issues, as well as the debate of whether the first weekend of the playoffs should be reserved for the conference title games. It would require a lot of gymnastics and financial accommodations for those with the most money.
The idea of Ohio State playing Michigan to close the season and then playing USC in the league title game is daunting. Even though the Big Ten stole two of the Pac-12's most valuable brands, the Rose Bowl will go on as planned. There is a contract between the Big Ten and the Pac-12.
The Rose Bowl takes three hours every three years. We are committed to doing everything we can." It's crucial. It is a part of college athletics. We get ourselves in trouble when we throw out traditions for money. It's not very difficult.
Warren said at Big Ten media days that the two hadn't spoken since the Big Ten took two of the Pac-12's schools.
He's not talking about who he talked to or who he didn't talk to.