When Russia leaves the International Space Station in four years, there will be chaos in the universe.

According to a statement on the website of Russia's space agency, Borisov expects an "avalanche" of technical failures on the International Space Station because of its aging hardware.

Borisov said in his statement that they intended to end Russia's participation in the project after 2024. "Based on the opinion of our strength engineers, reliability specialists, who predict that after 2024, there will be a lot of failures of equipment in the modules."

astronaut mark vande hei and cosmonaut pyotr dubrov use computer on space station
Mark Vande Hei (background) and Pyotr Dubrov train on a computer aboard the International Space Station, December 28, 2021.

When the nation's commitment on the station ends, Russia could leave the station in the middle of 2024.

NASA expects to continue operating the space station through the year 2030.

There are cracks on Russia's segment. The oxygen-supply system broke down in 2020 after a toilet went bust. The Zvezda module, which houses the living quarters for the cosmonauts, began leaking air in September.

international space station above blue earth clouds
The International Space Station, as pictured from the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour during a flyaround on November 8, 2021.

Borisov said it would be cheaper for Russia to build a new station.

Borisov said that the time that our cosmonauts, including American astronauts, spend on searching for possible malfunction and eliminating them starts to exceed all reasonable limits. This is done at the expense of science. "Recovery doesn't stay for scientific programs when you spend time on it."

Russia decided to stop selling rocket engines to the US after being hit with sanctions. It has stopped collaborating with Germany on the International Space Station.