If prosecutors get their way, the singer will be in a Spanish prison for more than eight years. If a jury convicts the "Hips Don't Lie" singer of bilking the government out of 15 million dollars in taxes, they will ask the judge to throw the book at her. She is accused of paying zippo in taxes while spending more than half the year in the country. A rep for the singer said, "Shakira has always cooperated and abided by the law, demonstrating exemplary conduct as an individual and a taxpayer, and faithfully following the counsel of PriceWaterhouse Coopers, a prestigious and globally recognized tax firm." The Spanish Tax Office loses one out of every two lawsuits with its taxpayers and continues to violate her rights. The judicial process will prove her innocence. In addition to prison time, authorities want her to pay up to $24 million in taxes and fines. This is a violation of her rights, according to her reps. The singer has already paid her taxes and interest. The way her reps see it, she has scrupulously followed the law as a person and a taxpayer. She turned down an offer from prosecutors. The terms of the settlement are not clear. She took her chances at trial. There isn't a trial date set.