A sheep farmer in New South Wales, Australia, discovered a large artifact wedged into a remote part of his paddock.

The roughly eight-foot structure appeared to have made its way all the way from space after it flew through the atmosphere, with experts speculating that it may have been a piece that was thrown out of a spaceship.

It is possible that the piece is from the first operational crewed flight of the company back in November 2020.

Brad Tucker is an astronomer at the Australian National University. I was able to confirm that parts of the crew-1 trunk capsule crashed into a few paddocks.

Tucker and the locals pose with the burned remains.

Not every day we hear of space junk hitting the ground instead of the ocean. Reusable rockets can make their safe return to landing ships. Pieces are sent on a path to impact the ocean.

The latest incident seems to show that not everything goes as planned.

Rebecca Allen told ABC that large pieces don't burn up in the atmosphere. This shows how important it is to track debris.

The Chinese Long March 5B rocket is expected to fall through the atmosphere this weekend, only the latest in a series of reentries by China.

The charring on the Australian debris was highlighted by Tucker. They don't usually land on land, but in the ocean.

The biggest piece of space junk ever recorded in Australia was in 1979 when a piece of NASA's Skylab space station fell in some bushes in Western Australia.

Tucker pointed out that the Crew-1 spaceship's trunk was thrown into the air and stayed there until reentering on July 9th.

There is an illustration showing the trunk section.

Locals were surprised by the strange object's appearance.

Mick Miners said he had no idea what it was.

Jock Wallace said he didn't hear the bang but his daughters said it was loud.

Wallace pointed out the danger of having space junk in the atmosphere.

He said it was a concern that it had fallen out of the sky.

He said that if it landed on your house it would be a mess.

There may be space junk in the Snowy Mountains.

The Chinese rocket is officially Plummeting down to earth.