Mo Salah
Mohamed Salah was the top-scoring player in Fantasy Premier League last season

A budget of over 100 million dollars. It's possible to combine the likes of Erling Haaland, Mohamed Salah and Harry Kane. You can change your squad weekly.

It would be a dream for a lot of managers in the premier league, but it creates some difficult decisions for those in fantasy football.

Jamie Pigott says he can't comprehend the magnitude of winning the entire thing.

I decided to meet up with my family at a bar after I decided to not watch the final day.

I would have liked a summer break from the league, but it has been tiring. I feel a bit of pressure with people following how I do.

Pigott beat more than nine million players to win the official game of the premier league.

Most people who have never played a version of the game know about it.

Mark Sutherns, founder of the website, said that 15 years ago someone made a reference to having a player in their fantasy football team and the person running the live page commented "does anyone actually still play fantasy football?"

You can't say that now. It's amazing how it has gone from a hobby to something people are talking about. For some, it's how they make ends meet. It's great to see the progress.

Football coverage is no longer as important as it used to be, and it's now more acceptable to be into the analytic side of the game. The audience is interested in knowing more about fantasy football and the keys to success.

The highest scoring players in FPL during the 2021-22 season
This season managers will be allowed unlimited free transfers during the World Cup break

Sutherns, who admits he has always had an interest in the "nerdier side of football", decided to start a blog after playing the game with work colleagues. He wanted to reach a few hundred people.

The demand for the website's content was much higher than he anticipated.

This wave of growth caught me by surprise. Scout became a business for me as it grew larger. Sutherns said that he got involved with writing for the premier league.

Fantasy football was turned into something that never stopped.

Sutherns is still sharing his expertise on his YouTube channel, as well as bringing managers together through 'Fantasy Football Fest' meet-ups.

The community has grown the way it has. I was a pioneer for that, but now I don't envy the creators. He said he knew how consuming it could be.

The desire to get the edge on the competition has led to a surge in demand for insight.

One player created a bot that leaked real team news.

Ben Crellin, who creates spreadsheets which help players plan for future transfers and the blank and double gameweeks that inevitably arise because of fixture clashing, is one of the most popular accounts on the social networking site.

Crellin said that he was one of the most followed individuals in the community.

It's insane. I had about 300 followers in 2016 and have grown to over 200. It's odd that I'm followed by so many people, but the whole community has grown.

Ben Crellin's fixture planner for the 2022-23 season
Ben Crellin began making his spreadsheets five years ago, as the introduction of the bench boost, free hit and triple captain chips made planning for double gameweeks more important

Following a run of unpredictable seasons, Crellin's content is in high demand.

Crellin said that there are times when he gets so many notifications and interactions that it's a bit overwhelming.

The last couple of seasons have been hard. It was almost impossible to predict how the matches would fall at one point last year.

I feel very lucky to have this position in the community.

Crellin thinks that the 2022-23 campaign will be easier to navigate because of the mid-season World Cup.

Right up until the first deadline, managers around the world will be making last-minute changes in order to assemble a winning squad for the season opener.

Pigott often made decisions based on statistics such as expected goals and assists, as well as his own observations, during his title-winning campaign.

What advice can he give to players?

Pigott said to be patient and to plan ahead. Don't be too stubborn if a player you thought was going to be good doesn't live up to your expectations.

Last year, I learned that you don't have to be perfect to win the game. I captained the wrong player, transferred players who didn't do anything, and even transferred someone who got a hat-trick to another team.

Don't be discouraged by bad decisions or bad weeks. It happens. Have fun playing your own game.

The experienced Sutherns said that anyone new to the game should keep it simple.

He told them to go for the obvious.

alah is the best player in the game and he will be for a while. It is possible for someone like me to leave the experimentation to others.

If you are new to the game, focus on the likes of Son Heung-min and Haaland.

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