Image for article titled Sean Hannity Complains Biden Got Weaker Variant of Covid-19 Than Trump

President Joe Biden was taken to task by Sean Hannity on his show. The Fox News personality got bent out of shape. The big strong man who barely survived his bout with the disease in 2020 is said to be upset that President Biden got a weaker variant of covid-19.

The current variant of the omicron is much, much weaker than the strain that caused President Trump's illness, according to Sean Hannity.

The comparison was prompted by the news that Biden has recovered from covid-19 after five days of isolation. Biden is double boosted after contracting the BA.5 sub variant.

Biden said that the ability to protect ourselves from serious illness has changed.

That is not the same as it was a year ago. Biden said that covid deaths are down 90 percent even though cases are increasing.

According to the New York Times, there were over two hundred thousand new cases of covid-19 in the U.S.

When Trump was in office, Biden noted his vaccination status and Paxlovid's unavailability. Biden didn't seem to be taking credit for the development of the vaccine or antivirals, he was just noting that these tools have brought the mortality rate for covid-19 way down and they're important for all Americans to take seriously

My predecessor had to be helicoptered to Walter Reed Medical Center. He was in a lot of pain. He was able to recover. Biden said he worked from upstairs of the White House and the offices upstairs for five days.

Biden was attacked for his age by Hannity, who noted that he had stumbled climbing the stairs of Air Force One.

Donald Trump didn't get blown over by the wind. The current covid variant is so weak that even a frail elderly person can recover at home.

Sean, thank you very much. Thank you for your feedback. Biden is older. How old is Trump right now? It will be difficult to make a new case of your neo-fascist buddy if you only have that.