Moderate amounts of physical activity for between 300 and 600 minutes have been found to reduce mortality risk.

If you make those workouts more intense, you can only work out for 150 to 300 minutes a week.

We're all going to die at some point. The research shows that the 150 to 600 minute window has the greatest benefits in terms of extending lifespans and reducing the risk of dying from causes other than old age.

Over-exercising isn't a problem in terms of heart health, but it doesn't do much in terms of reducing the risk of an early death, according to research.

The impact of physical activity on health is great, yet it remains unclear whether engaging in high levels of vigorous or moderate activity above the recommended levels provides any additional benefits or harmful effects on cardiovascular health.

75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity a week is recommended by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

The participants in the study who followed the guidelines had a lower risk of dying from all causes. The risk fell further for those who went up to 600 minutes of moderate activity a week.

Researchers found that moderate and vigorous activity in line with the guidelines lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 25%. Pushing past the guidelines reduced the risk even more.

The findings support the current national physical activity guidelines and suggest that the maximum benefits may be achieved by performing medium to high levels of either moderate or vigorous activity.

There is a risk of arteriosclerosis in old age among people who do at least three times the recommended amount of exercise.

The study did not find any health risks in excess activity. Lots of exercise wasn't seeming to cause any damage, but it might not be doing much good either.

93 percent of the study participants were white, so we need further research in order to get a better picture. It seems like the 150 to 600 minute exercise schedule is worth the effort.

Lee says that the study gives evidence to guide individuals to choose the right amount and intensity of physical activity.

The research was published in a magazine.