Illustration by Alex Castro / The Verge

The new Status feature allows some users to assign one of several pre-written labels to their Tweets. A limited test of the feature has been confirmed by the company in a statement, while users on the social networking site have been posting pictures of the feature in action.

For a limited time, we are testing a feature that allows you to add a status topic to your Tweets to give more context to your followers. If you have a bad case of Mondays, or share your shower thoughts, your Tweets can convey what you're up to.

I don't know how twitter managed to release a more embarrassing and unusable feature than cotweets in the same month but here it is. these are all the statuses you can use. no custom statuses allowed

— Takes Of Vesperia (@coolranchzaku) July 27, 2022

It appears that many of the statuses are designed to replace the titles and symbols that are used at the start of a thread on the micro-messaging service. The Spool of Thread,Spoiler alert, andAMA with a microphone are included in the "A thread" status. It is thought that being able to put this information in a Status will save users valuable characters in their Tweets.

Jane Manchun Wong discovered the in- development feature. This latest test only allows users to attach Statuses to specific accounts, but at the time Statuses could be posted to any account. You can click on a status to see other similar messages.

An example of the Status feature in action.

We wouldn't blame you if the feature reminded you of LiveJournal or AIM. The feature hasTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkiaTrademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,TrademarkiaTrademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia,Trademarkia Biz Stone wrote in a decade ago that the platform was originally conceived as a mobile status update service. Stone said that as of 2009, the original purpose of the service was no longer needed. The new Status feature doesn't look like it's going to reverse the trend, but it revives a bit of the old purpose

There is no word on whether or not the Status feature will be expanded. It's part of a growing list of in-development features at the social media network, which also include mixed-media twits that could let you add both images and video to a single post, a downvote button, and the option to give awards to twits