Kim said his country is prepared to use its nuclear weapons in a fight with the US.

On the 69th anniversary of the armistice agreement that ended the Korean War, Kim gave a fiery speech. He claimed that the US was demonizing the country.

Kim said that the American empire's arrogance hasn't changed. The US imperialists must be defeated with ideology and armed forces.

He said that North Korea is prepared to deal with any military clash with the US.

Kim warned that the clash could lead to a nuclear attack.

"Our armed forces are prepared to respond to any crisis, and our country's nuclear war deterrent is also ready to mobilize its absolute power dutifully, exactly, and swiftly in line with its mission," he said.

Kim accused the president of South Korea of being filled with "gangsters".

Kim said that talking about military action against our nation, which possesses absolute weapons that they fear the most, is very dangerous suicidal action.

A dangerous attempt will be punished by the strength of our army and the government will be destroyed.

The South Korean military was ordered to respond quickly and sternly to any acts of provocation by the North.

There are rumors that the country is preparing for a nuclear test.

He owed it to step up the country's weapons program. Just hours after President Joe Biden ended his visit to Asia, the country launched what was thought to be an intercontinental missile.

The US and South Korea are getting ready for military drills. In the first half of this year, both countries conducted a missile test to demonstrate how South Korea could respond to provocations from the North.