Pony.ai and Sany subsidiary Sany Heavy truck plan to mass produce robotrucks starting in 2024.Self-driving tech start-up Pony.ai announced Thursday it plans to mass produce autonomous driving trucks with equipment manufacturing giant Sany Heavy Industry.

Pony.ai and Sany Heavy Industry will work together to mass produce self-driving trucks.

Within a few years, annual production is set to reach about 10,000 trucks. Mass production is due to start in 2024 with small-scale deliveries starting this year.

According to Pony.ai, the trucks will come with "Level 4" self- driving technology, which will allow full self- driving on highways and urban roads. The industry classification system designates full self- driving under certain conditions.

The robotrucks won't be able to operate autonomously.

The company only has permits for Beijing and Guangzhou. The company said it would operate L4 trucks in China.

Several Chinese companies that offer drivers assisted-driving technology use the same chip as Pony.ai.

Electric vehicles are included in the category of new energy vehicles.

Pony.ai wouldn't say if the trucks would be available in China or not.

Pony.ai has offices in the U.S. and Sany has offices around the world.

Due to the more uniform nature of truck routes along highways, analysts think that robotic trucks will take off more quickly than robotaxis. Long truck drives are more popular than short taxi rides.