It's going to be a lot easier to edit PDFs on a Chromebooks. The Gallery app will allow users to highlight text, fill out forms, and add text annotations.
A bunch of photos first appear when you open it. Most Chromebooks don't come with a PDF editor by default, and while free third-party options exist, their features tend to be limited, and editing directly in Gallery seems more hassle-free.
It could be a big help for students who use Chromebooks. They could more easily mark up texts and assignments, as well as annotations from class, which can be exported as a PDF from the Cursive app in ChromeOS.
A new movie editor and video editing features will be coming to Chromebooks first, but other features will be added later. With just a few taps, users will be able to make a video out of the clips and photos in their account. It looks like you only need to choose a theme and subjects for the rest to be done by the internet search engine.
The movie editor will allow those who want more control to apply filters, adjust settings, and arrange clips.
Light and dark themes as well as wallpaper integration are some of the new features coming to the photo service.