The noise removal capability of the Broadcast was praised for being "impressively proficient" at stripping away everything but your voice. It could vastly improve your gaming and live streaming experience or lead to cleaner recordings if you use the tool launched by the company. Through the use of deep learning, the noise suppression tool can be used.

The feature works for both input and output devices, so it can not only suppress noise on your mic, but noise coming from someone else's. If you're in a meeting or online class, it can help you stay focused because it blocks the sounds of a dog barking or a baby crying.

The only computers with noise suppression that are currently available are the ones with the Ryzen 5000 series and newer processors. Before you head to the settings page, make sure to upgrade to the latest version of the software you're using.

You can enable the feature in the Audio & Video tab under Audio settings. You have the option to switch it on for your input or output device at the same time. If you choose the "AMD Streaming Device" option, you will be able to take advantage of the noise suppression tool when you play a game or use a communication app.