The Apollo 11 spaceflight jacket worn by Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon and the only surviving crew member of the historic 1969 mission, exceeded expectations when it was auctioned Tuesday.
There's only one garment from the historic moon landing mission that's ever been available for private purchase.
The jacket is the most valuable American space flown artifact and the most expensive jacket ever sold at auction.
It was the only time a garment worn during the first moon landing mission could be purchased for private use.
Before Tuesday, the record for the most valuable American space flown artifact ever sold at auction was held by the Apollo 11 lunar dust bag, which sold for $1.8 million in 2017:
According to Guinness World Records, the most expensive jacket sold at an auction was the red leather jacket Michael Jackson wore in the Thriller music video.
The jacket on board the lunar module was worn by Aldrin.
A total of $29 million. That is how much was paid for a Soviet-era space capsule in 2011. The Vostok I took Gagarin into space in 1961.
Over the past few years, a number of space artifacts have sold for seven-figure sums at auctions. The Billionaire Space Race has led to a surge in interest in space exploration collectibles. The artifact from the Apollo 11 mission sold for more than half a million dollars at an auction in April.
It could sell for $2 million at an auction.
There is a multi million dollar craze for space and Apollo 11 collectibles.
After NASA lost in court to keep the lunar dust, it sold it for $500,000.
Micheal Collins was the sole man who didn't walk on the moon.