Image for article titled Republicans Warn Google Not to Limit Search Search for Misleading Anti-Abortion Clinics...Or Else

A group of 17 state attorney generals are working together to make sure that the search results of crisis pregnancy centers are not limited.

Unrestricted search results could lead abortion seekers to these clinics. Republicans say that limiting the number of bad faith clinics in search results amounts to discrimination against anti- abortion organizations.

The Republican lawmakers pushed back against earlier pleas from Democrats and claimed that the decision to moderate its results would constitute a grave assault on the principle of free speech. The Republicans lashed out at previous Democratic efforts to pressure the company before threatening to cut off funding if they didn't get their way.

If you don't resist this political pressure, we will act quickly to protect American consumers from this dangerous axis of corporate and government power.

Republicans say they will conduct investigations into whether or not changing the search results violates antitrust or religious discrimination laws. Don't moderate your search results...

Gizmodo asked for comment from the company, but they didn't reply immediately.

The June study conducted by the Center for Countering Digital Hate found that 9% of searches for "abortion clinic near me" and "abortion pill" were directed to crisis pregnancy centers. 42% of the time, users were directed to that clinics by the results of the maps. Critics say that the main purpose of these organizations is to discourage women from getting abortions. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced a new regulation last month that would prevent these clinics from engaging in misleading advertising.