When selling goods online on Amazon.com, mastering your expenses is paramount.

Many AMZ merchants are losing their money or not making enough returns because they selected the wrong item and miscalculated the expected revenue.

You should keep your Amazon FBA Revenue calculator close by and rely on it to optimize profit margins. This blog post will look at the associated Amazon FBA Commission and guide you on how to best use the Amazon selling fees calculator.

Fulfillment Fees

The FBA fulfillment commission is also referred to as the pick-and-pack commission. Amazon.com charges a per-item fee to source, label, and deliver items to the client. It is determined by the product's weight, category, and dimensions. Check out the platform's rate cards to define what fulfillment cost you will be charged per item.

Storage Fee

Amazon asks for an inventory storage fee every month, depending on the dimensions of your goods. This commission varies based on your item category and the year period.

For instance, it often becomes more expensive to hold inventory just before the busy holiday season because AMZ has to store additional goods (for all the other companies) at that time.

However, you do not have to guess the number. The marketplace provides a rate card to help sellers determine their monthly FBA storage commissions.

Long-Term Storage Fee

Unfortunately, the FBA solution is not somewhere you may just stash your additional stock—especially if it is not moving quickly. AMZ charges a long-term storage commission for any unit left in inventory for more than a year.

FBA employs a first-in, first-out estimation to calculate the age of the inventory. Some goods have shorter long-term storage commissions, so you check the platform's inventory health tracker to learn which goods have storage limitations.

Disposal Order Fee

You may wish to discard old goods that are not moving and accumulate storage commissions. FBA will handle your goods for you, but it will cost some price. It differs depending on the dimension and delivery weight of your goods.

Removal Order Fee

Removal order commissions also differ based on the weight and dimensions of your goods. Note that the pricing of removal and disposal orders is the same. Yet, if you ask for a removal order and then choose to get rid of it on your own, it will likely cost you a different bill with your landfill (if you are not selling sticky notes).

Unplanned Service Fees

Amazon has strict guidelines for labelling and preparing your goods before delivering them to fulfilment centres. If you get it wrong, you will need to pay a per-unit commission for them to fix it. This mistake might also cause some selling delays.

Returns Processing Fees

The platform's FBA system conveniently does all exchanges and returns for your goods. However, with Amazon FBA, many categories of products offer free return shipping services. While it might encourage more clients to try your goods, it may jack up the return rate—and returns are not free.

You will be charged a per-unit returns processing commission for any goods in the shoe and apparel categories. The Return process commission might be expensive. For instance, you may pay up to $45 per unit if your clients request a return.

How to Use Amazon's FBA Fee Calculator?

Don't feel like getting out your phone and crunching the numbers on your own? Don't fret. You are an entrepreneur—you do not need to be a math expert.

Try the Amazon fee calculator to let the service give you a helping hand with all the crunching. It's the platform's tool, so you can stay confident it will be spot on.

Using the service is rather straightforward. First, you must find the item you wish to offer on Amazon. Then, if you cannot find the item (or it does not exist yet on the platform), fill in the estimates for the packaging dimensions and weight.

Next, enter the self-fulfilment information such as the product price, typical shipping expenses, storage commissions and cost of products sold. As soon as you finish, click the "Calculate" button.

The Amazon revenue calculator will deliver the estimated ROI and costs for Fulfillment by Amazon and Fulfillment by Merchant. You may see the detailed net revenue and profit margins for both options.

However, do not let these final numbers be your deciding aspect. Remember the valuable time you might save that the revenue calculator does not represent.

For instance, selling through the FBA model might decrease your profit by a few bucks per transaction, but it may save you countless hours. That is time you might be spending managing your brand and planning your future.