As the discipline itself has grown, individual contributors have become less and less prominent. Some people still hold the public's attention for their discoveries, such as Peter Higgs with the Higgs boson, which several other physicists theorize around the same time he did. One of the largest technical projects that took thousands of scientists decades to design, build, and test resulted in the actual data that eventually gave Dr.
Sub-atomic particles are not the only things that require large, complex detectors. The world's most sensitive dark matter detection system was developed with help from an underground research facility in South Dakota.
The project has a history that would make any project manager cringe. A team of 250 scientists and engineers from 35 different institutions collaborated on the project, whose primary detector was delivered to its underground home in South Dakota just before the COVID epidemic forced many of them to stay at home.
In December of 2021, it was officially brought online and began collecting data. A recent paper proved that LZ is the most sensitive dark matter detector.
It did not see any dark matter in its initial run. Dark matter is not easy to detect using other methods. The basis of LZ's system is based on a detection methodology that scientists believe will help them understand it better.
Matthew Kapust received a credit.
The bulk of the system is comprised of a giant tank filled with liquid xenon and an array of photomultiplier tubes. In that case, the atom lights up, which is then detected by one of the PMTs, which can also identify the location of the particle.
Too much noise would be created if the detector was above ground. The detector is located under the ground at theSURF. Other sensitive experiments that benefit from the shielding afforded by the Earth's surface are hosted by SURF.
Credit is given to the LZ Collaboration.
The team that originally designed and built the detector is excited by the results so far. The plan is to collect 20 times more data than has been so far. It sounds like it would be a good idea to find dark matter if more data is available. Maybe the experiment with the Latin word for light will be the first to show some light on the dark matter.
You can learn more.
There is a successful startup of a dark matter detector at a research facility.
LBNL has a dark matter experiment.
The new dark matter detector drew a blank in the first test round.
UT is looking for dark matter inside the earth.