How do you plan your web3 strategy?

I don't think it's the first time you've been asked that question It has been on the minds of a growing number of investors who are looking for disruptive opportunities.

It's easy to become distracted from core business objectives when you're looking into the world of decentralization.

It's true. You wonder if everyone else is doing the same thing.

I'm aware of the pressure. web3 isn't just a menu of features to be bolted on to your project, as the founder of an infrastructure project that has been around since 2016 reminds you. It should be the cornerstone of what you are building.

Don't allow yourself to be distracted by the hype and focus on the basics.

If the people who form the backbone of your community do not feel good about your project or their participation, you’re in big trouble.

I want to give some insight into how to build a strong project that can take advantage of web3.

If you aren’t addressing a problem, you’ve got a problem

A successful web3 company begins with a clear-eyed view of the use case and how they can change the game for a problem.

Users are unlikely to beat a path to your door if you don't have a compelling solution and a well defined pain point.

You should drill a little deeper once you have identified the problem. How can web3 help the party? The missing link is one of the most disruptive parts of the ledger.

For example.

  • Does a global, permissionless, digital money layer change the game?
  • Will access to a shared, open, data layer make your offering more attractive than if you hoard the data in a proprietary database?
  • Does the ability to make users collective owners in the platform’s success give you an advantage over web2 incumbents?
  • Can you bootstrap one side (or both sides) of a marketplace through in-protocol incentives?
  • Can web3 primitives such as NFTs, on-chain credentialing, crowdfunding, and wallet-based-identity enable an experimental experience for users?

If you can find a solution to the problem that benefits from one of the unique web3 value proposition, then you are on to something interesting.