The Biden administration official called out the Florida senator for saying that legislation protecting same-sex marriage would be a "stupid waste of time" after he said that it would be a waste of time.

He said Buttigieg didn't know the difference between state and federal levels in a 58 second video.

Federal problems that matter to real people are the focus of the Florida Republican.

You will get a real problem from me. Pete Buttigieg is the secretary of transportation. He said that $5 gas is a good thing because it means people are going to drive less and buy electric cars.

He said that he will focus on real problems and not on an agenda that he believes is dictated by a bunch of wealthy liberals and a bunch of Marxist misfits.

Working Americans,of every background,struggle with real problems like gas prices & flight cancellations

But we have a Transportation Secretary who wants us to focus on a fake problem & who went to Harvard but apparently doesn’t know the difference between state & federal issues

July 24, 2022.

The video was posted hours after Buttigieg told Jake Tapper that he didn't know why he wouldn't have time to help protect same-sex marriages if he had the time.

The Respect for Marriage Act would codify marriage rights for same-sex and interracial couples.

The bill was introduced by Democrats after Clarence Thomas called on the court to revisit other rights.

At 9:24 a.m., there was a new update.

The Hill has the latest news and video.