There was an update on Jul 25, 2022,6am.
A new AP-NORC poll shows that more than two-thirds of Americans think Supreme Court justices should be subject to term limits.
The people are protesting in front of the Supreme Court.
The current system of lifetime appointments for Supreme Court justices is not supported by the majority of people in the poll.
A similar number of Americans support a mandated retirement age for the justices.
Both Democrats and Republicans supported the term limits.
The court's recent rulings have shrunk its approval among Americans with a sharp increase in the number of people saying they have "hardly any confidence" in the court.
Around one-third of Americans say they are in favor of expanding the Supreme Court, while the rest say they have no opinion.
54 percent. According to the poll, only 30% of Americans approve of the court's decision to overturn the abortion law. 80% of Democrats don't like the ruling while 63% of Republicans do.
The Supreme Court overturned the landmark decision to allow states to ban abortion. Several states in the U.S. have banned abortion in their jurisdiction. Access to contraceptives, fertility treatments, and information on reproductive health could be affected by additional laws moving through the state legislature. Gallup polling shows that 85% of Americans support abortion. A majority of people oppose the Supreme Court's recent decision, even in states where abortion access is limited. Democrats are worried that the court's decision on abortion could cause renewed threats against same-sex marriages and other rights.
How Americans Really Feel about Abortion: The Sometimes Surprising Poll Results.
A poll shows that Americans support government action on abortion.