Papers, Please
The game tasks players with managing immigration in the fictional Soviet state of Arstotzka.

Papers, Please will be released as a paid, stand-alone app on August 5th, and it will be available on both the App Store and the Play store.

Lucas Pope, the game's developer, announced the news on the social networking site. The original PC version of Papers, Please was released in 2013.

The game is on track for a console release in 2031.

Papers, Please was inspired by Pope's frequent trips through immigration and the realization that inspecting documents in a game setting might be fun, according to Pope. The game takes place in the fictional Soviet state of Arstotzka and the player is tasked with checking travelers' documents against an increasingly convoluted set of rules.

Pope said the interface for the new mobile port would be small. No zooming, that's what I said. He said that he wanted the game to feel natural on a phone.

He said that the game would be available as an update to the iPad app and that the minimum supported OS would beiOS 11. It is not known how much the game will cost or what requirement it will have.