Donald Trump's administration would be more corrupt if he is re-elected in four years.

He ripped away guard rails for four years and now he wants to destroy all of them, even though it will cost the civil service. Even if it means the costs of a functioning US government.

Reports say Trump plans to fill government positions with loyalists.

According to the report, people familiar with the plan said it would include putting loyalists in top positions.

The new plan seems to exclude people who choose country over party according to the man who has been vocal about his opposition to Trump.

They're going to make lists of people who are more loyal. He wants Trump to pick people from that list and expand the number of jobs they can appoint.

The plan includes reinstating a "Schedule F" executive order that was removed after President Joe Biden took office in order to create a new category of federal workers who have some influence over policy.

"They would like to throw out thousands of civil servants so they could put people who are ultra-MAGA in," she stated. It's going to be more corrupt and lawless than we've seen before.