It's on the internet.
It's kind of a coin flip as to whether or not I'll agree with the critics when it comes to the new thing they're roasting. The Gray Man had too much going for it between its cast and the directors to be a bad movie.
It's not bad. I think it is pretty good.
This is an instance where the critics are off base. I don't think it's a 90% movie, but I do think it's a worthwhile action flick, even if it's not JohnWick- I'd watch a sequel set in the same universe, even if it's not JohnWick-
The Gray Man is not the most original plot. When Ryan Gosling plays a prisoner recruited by the CIA to do off-book assassinations and surprise, things take a turn when the CIA has hired someone to do an off-book assassination on him. Chris Evans is a villain with a mustache. The "suits" in the picture include Billy Bob Thornton, Rege-Jean Page and Jessica Henwick. Six has to kill everyone and keep the little girl safe at the same time because she is being used as leverage.
The man with gray hair.
The action is what makes up for the lack of a brilliant script by theRussos. It is interesting to see what they do when they are outside the realm of the comic book company. I think this is the most violent movie I have ever seen. I don't know if I've ever seen more bullets fired in a single movie, but this is an almost completely bloodless film. It is kind of goofy to see hordes of cops and agents machine-gunned down but this is not an R-rated movie because there is no blood spray. The film would have been helped with a bit harder of an edge if it had been made. It worked for JohnWick again.
All of the performances here are topnotch. We've seen a few versions of Gosling's action hero before, but he's playing a different one. Chris Evans is having fun. I'd like to see Ana de Armas check her emails for two hours, and I'd also like to see Rege-Jean Page. The film commits one sin by getting Jessica Henwick in here and not allowing her to fight anyone. She is still good.
The movie is enjoyable and only 2 hours, so it is not a superhero movie. I don't think it's the most original spy thrillers ever, but there's a lot to like here, and I'd watch a sequel.
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The Herokiller series and The Earthborn trilogy are available for purchase.