Do you know anything about LU Camelopardalis, QZ Serpentis, V 1007 Herculis, and the like? They are not part of a boy band in Rome. A cataclysmic variable is a star that draws material from its sibling. The pair varies wildly in brightness.
Is there a planet in this chaotic environment? Is it possible to spot them? Yes to both, according to a new study.
TheCVs go up in brightness. Our own sun is not the only star that varies in brightness. CVs are more visible than stars like our Sun.
Classical novae, dwarf novae, some supernovae, and others are examples of cataclysmic variables. The basic mechanic is shared by all types. One of the stars is much larger than the other. The donor star is called the primary star because it draws gas from the smaller star.
A white dwarf and a red dwarf are the primary stars in a CV. White dwarfs are larger than the red dwarfs. They have a mass between 0.07 and 0.30 and a radius of 20%. White dwarf primary stars have the same mass as Earth but have smaller radii.
An accretion disk is formed when material from the donor star is drawn from the primary star. Increased luminosity is caused by the material in the disk heating up. Light from the pair of stars can be overshadowed by the increase.
The transfer of material from the donor to the primary star can be affected by the third body in the system. The system's brightness is affected by these perturbations.
The chaotic environments around CVs can host planets, and the authors of the study explain how they can be spotted. The study is testing the third-body hypothesis in the variables. The Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society are published every month. The author is from Mexico.
Increased luminosity can be created by material gathered in an accretion ring. As the stars in the CV circle each other, the material transfer to the disk is not stable. Four variables were examined by Chavez and his colleagues.
VLPs are periods of enhanced luminosity that don't conform to theorbital periods of the CVs.
The L1 point is a point between the stars and the third body. There is a point between the stars. The L1 point is moving as the stars move. Chavez showed in a previous paper that the L1 point can be caused by a planet.
Mass transfer rate changes as the L1 point changes There is a change in the mass transfer rate.
The researchers used the changes in brightness of the CVs to calculate the distances and mass of potential third bodies.
The team found that the variations have longer periods than the stars.
Chavez said in a press release that a third body can perturb a cataclysmic variable in such a way that it can induce changes in brightness. The long periods that have been observed can be explained by these perturbations. Two of the four systems we studied have objects in the sky.
Scientists have tackled CVs before, trying to find an explanation for the variations in the luminosity.
The four CVs and their VLPPs were presented in a paper. They said planets were to blame. The mechanism to be effective in disturbing the innerbinary should be greater than 39.2 degrees.
Chavez and his co-authors write in their paper that the secular perturbation by a low eccentricity and low inclination third object may explain the change of magnitude observed in these four CVs. They say that a third body on a close near circular plane could cause problems.
Chavez says that their work is a new way to detect exoplanets. The transit system is used by planet-hunters to find planets. A dip in starlight can be seen when an exoplanet transits in front of its star.
The transit method is effective, but it has limitations. Things are lined up correctly when it comes to it. The planet doesn't transit the star from our point of view so we have to look at it from the side.
Chavez and his colleagues did not rely on planetary transits to develop their method. The change in luminosity is observable from a variety of angles.
This article was published in the past. The original article is worth a read.