According to a report, a gun company is marketing an assault rifle that shoots through bulletproof vests to civilians.

According to The Daily Beast, the civilian equivalent of the US Army's next generation squad weapon-rifle is called the MCX-SPEAR.

Ryan Busse, a former firearms company executive now a senior policy analyst with the Giffords Law Center, said that it would shoot through most of the bulletproof vests worn by law enforcement.

The gun has a longer range and a noise Suppressor that could make it harder for a shooter to locate.

According to the company's website, the MCX-SPEAR was developed with direct input from US warfighters to provide more power, distance, and accuracy.

If the gun were to get into the hands of a mass shooter, the commercial availability of the gun raises questions.

According to Busse, bullets from the MCX-SPEARs can hit much harder than those from the AR-15s.

Busse believes the gun could help mass shooters become long-range assassins.

The company that made the semi-automatic rifle t hat that was used in the nightclub shooting that left 49 people dead is also the company that made the gun that was used.

The company stated that the MCX-SPEAR would be available at select dealers.

It was a rare opportunity for passionate consumers to own a piece of history according to the press release.

The Daily Beast reported that one of the dealers said that the manufacturer sent out 2500 and 5000 weapons and they sold out quickly.

The outlet was told that more weapons would be shipped to gun stores at a lower price than the first editions models.

The representative said he knew it was coming. We're trying to get them out as quickly as possible. We need to get as many guns as possible.

The guns used in the recent mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde, and Highland Park were all purchased in the US.

More than 70 rounds were fired from the rooftop by the Highland shooter during the parade.

A bill to ban certain semi-automatic rifles is being worked on by House Democrats.