The Congressional hearing focused on Donald Trump's actions around January 6, 2021. The panel's six-week show was stolen by the former president's manipulation methods, according to a politics expert.

The last public hearing for the House Select Committee investigating the attack on the Capitol will take place on Thursday evening.

Lawmakers in the last month and a half have presented a lot of evidence suggesting that former President Donald Trump's "dereliction of duty" on January 6th was due to his erratic behavior as a mob of rioters descended upon the US Capitol.

Matthew Schmidt, an associate professor of national security and political science at the University of New Haven, said that the primary point the panel has succeeded in proving has nothing to do with Trump's actions.

Donald Trump is able to do what he does because he is a gaslighter, according to a report. Donald Trump is a gaslighter.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that makes people doubt their perception of reality. The perpetrators use lies, denials, and fabricated memories to exert control over their victims. In the last few years, the term has become more common.

Trump refused to call off his supporters for hours, ignored his advisors' advice, and refused to say the 2020 election was over, were some of the steps he failed to take.

Trump's acts of omission during and after the Capitol riot are his own form of gaslighting.

The January 6 panel showed that he did not act the way he was supposed to, but most people need proof of that. Actions by omission are less powerful than actions by omission by Trump.

During and after the siege, Trump's social media posts proved to be further proof of his calculations. The first group of rioters overran police officers outside of the Capitol.

Please support Capitol Police and law enforcement. He said that they are on the side of the country.

Stay calm!