New particles were discovered in the process of firing up the Large Hadron collider for the first time in 3 years. Many conspiracy theorists have latched onto the project, believing that the device may be altering or damaging reality.

To the degree that it's hard to tell if some of the theories are satire or not, the particle collider has been fascinating.

According to Vice, the bizarre accusations are spurring the scientists to fight back.

"Look, bro, just because you can't remember something doesn't mean you're going to change your cookies," Clara said in the video reply. There are a lot of higher energy particles in the air. The amount of work being done by CERN is small in comparison. We won't be changing the labels on your food.

Mandela Madness

According to Vice, a lot of online theorists are focused on the phenomenon of mass cultural misremembering.

The phenomenon of the Mandela effect is documented by conspiracy theorists. There are some striking examples of collective false memory.

The Large Hadron Collider of memory is probably the cause of the Mandela Effect. There is no evidence that the device is opening inter-dimensional portals, as some theorists have claimed.

Despite the controversy, the man seems to be taking the high road.

The physicist said that they should be honored and happy that they are capturing the imagination of people because they are at the forefront of science. The people are interested in what we are doing.

Collective mass delusion is caused by creating portals to alternate dimensions. There is an investigation.

There's more on the Large HadronCylinder.