The United States has not had a case of the disease in over a decade.

A person living in Rockland County, north of Manhattan, has tested positive for the disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, America hasn't had a case of the disease in three years.

The latest case was indicative of a transmission chain from an individual who received the oral vaccine.

The vaccine was stopped in the US in 2000.

The New York's health department said in a statement that the virus may have originated in a location outside of the US.

The healthcare providers were warned to be on the lookout for more cases and people in the area were urged to get the vaccine.

In recent decades, a massive global effort has come close to ridding the world of a potentially fatal disease that affects children under five years old.

Since 1988, when there were 350,000 cases worldwide, the number of cases has decreased by 99 percent.

The United States saw a decline in cases after a vaccine was developed.

There were the last cases of the disease in America in 1979.

It won't hurt the child who has been vaccined, but it can be passed to others through fecal-contaminated water in places where hygiene and immunizations aren't good.

The variant of the disease is weaker than the wild one and can cause serious illness and even death in people who don't get the vaccine.

The World Health Organization and British health officials said last month that a type of vaccine-derived disease had been found in London sewage.

Agence France- Presse.