Ask anyone with an interest in the X-Men or the MCU how the Mutants will show up, and they will probably have at least three theories. They may have been snapped into existence by either Bruce Banner or Thanos. Is it a pocket version or a multiverse version? Is it possible that we will start in 2024 with Charles X trying to get the Mutants. Some of the more common theories are listed here. In theory, any chance for how they are introduced is valid. The larger Mutant race presents a much bigger hurdle than a few individuals, and we already know that some will get brought in via other movies or TV shows.

Image for article titled Mutants are Coming to the MCU, But Where Does Krakoa Fit In?

Outside of the films, there is a state of Mutants. The upcoming X-men series serves as a nice hit of nostalgia, but the Mutants of the comics are going full steam ahead towards the future. House of X is a six-part mini-series that upended the mythos of the Mutants. The island of Krakoa has become home to nearly all of the Mutants, despite being hated and feared by the larger universe. Over the last three years, various comics have explored the experiences with magic, transhumanism, religion, and ascension to the stars.

Mutants living on their own island and not caring about the outside world is an interesting concept that has the potential for exciting stories isolated from the plates spinning during Phase Four. The kind of soft reboot the characters needed was what made the Mutants take their destiny into their own hands. Prior to this, the Mutants were treated like step children by the company due to the fact that they didn't own the rights to those characters. Even though the war ended, the Mutants had to get beaten down a bit more before they could have a utopia.

In the early to mid-2010s, neither Fox's films nor the comic books knew what to do with the theme of "Hated and feared". In the comics, superpowered people save the world with a regularity that makes discrimination feel worse. Mutant as metaphor already began to grow tiresome, and will feel even more in poor taste now as they try to make bigger, more even grasps at social commentary in their films and TV series. To adapt House and do it justice would require a decent runup so as to feel triumphant when Krakoa is revealed.

To us, our X-Men of 2022!

The MCU has shown a desire to get stranger now more than it did a decade ago. It sounds like an island of superpowered people is the right way for the Mutants to feel different from Fox's group. This weekend, or at D23 in September, is when we will find out if the Mutants will be allowed to be as weird as they are purported to be.

Do you want to know more about io9. House of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, as well as what's next for the DC Universe on film and TV, can be found on this page.