The strong nuclear force is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. The strongest force of the group is the strong force. The binding of quarks to form larger particles is what it does.

The Standard Model is the most well known theory of particle physics. According to the European Organization for Nuclear Research, the theory has become established as a well-tested physics theory over the course of many experiments.

The quark is one of the smallest particles and can't be split into smaller parts. These particles are part of a class of particles called hadrons. There has been no indication that there is anything smaller than a quark.

The strong force is supposed to explain why atomic nuclei stay together. The repulsive force between the positively charged protons in the nucleus made it seem like they would do it. The strong force binding the quarks that make up hadrons was discovered by physicists.


According to Duke University's physics course material, strong force interactions are important. There is a strong interaction between the quarks of a hadron and the residual force that holds them together.

Physicists Murray Gell-Mann and George Zweig were the first to observe the particles after they were created. James Joyce's novel "Finnegans Wake" is said to have inspired Gell-Mann to choose the name.

Muster Mark got three quarks. He doesn't have a lot of bark, but any he has it is beside the mark.

Experiments at particle accelerators in the '50s and '60s showed that hadrons are only a small part of the universe. More than 100 hadrons, sometimes called the "hadronic zoo," have thus far been detected.

The hadron particles are constituted by quarks. There are two types of hadrons, barons and mesons. A quark and an antiquark are the antimatter counterparts of a quark having the same electric charge. Particles that comprise protons and neutrons are called baryons. Particles produced in large particle accelerators and interactions with high-energy Cosmic rays are known as mesons.

Quark flavors and colors

Illustration of quarks

Quarks come in different flavors. (Image credit: Shutterstock)

Physicists call the six varieties of quaksflavors. They are called up, down, strange, charm, bottom and top in order to increase mass. The up and down quarks are stable. The protons are made up of two up quarks and a down quark.

More massive flavors are only produced in high-energy interactions. They can be seen in mesons, which can contain different flavors. The last one, the top quark, was discovered in 1995 in an experiment at the Fermilab. The 2008 prize in physics was won by Kobayashi and Maskawa.

There are six manifestations of the property of quaks. The property should not be confused with the understanding of color. Red, blue, green, antired, anti blue and antigreen are the six manifestations. The anticolors are part of the antiquark. The quarks can obey the Pauli exclusion principle by obeying the color properties. The quarks must have different colors. A meson must contain a colored quark and an antiquark of the same color in order to be valid.

Gluons and the strong force

Force-carrying particles are exchanged between one another. The strong force is carried by a type of particle called a "gluon," which is the "glue" that holds the nucleus and its bars together. In the attraction between two quarks, the strong force doesn't decrease with the distance between the two quarks, but it does increase, like a mechanical spring.

There is a limit to the distance that two quarks can be separated from each other, which is about the size of a protons. The mass of a quark-antiquark pair is converted to energy when the limit is reached. Einstein's famous equation E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light, so this energy-to-mass conversion happens in this way. Free quarks have not been observed and physicists don't believe they exist as individual particles because of this conversion. The definitive observation of free quarks would be revolutionary according to the author of Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic Interactions.

Residual strong force

The strong force produced by the gluons is mostly destroyed when quarks are bound together in a particle. The force is limited by the particle. The force does act outside of the protons and neutrons. The force can operate between the two particles.

In their book "Gravity, Special Relativity and the Strong Force (opens in new tab) ", it became apparent that the force between nucleons is. This "side effect" is called the "residual strong force" or the "nuclear force" and it is what holds atomic nuclei together in spite of the repulsive magnetic force between the positively charged protons.

The residual strong force is less significant than the strong force because it is only between adjacent particles. The repulsive force doesn't act across the entire nucleus. While the nuclear force on a particle remains nearly constant, the total Electromagnetic force on that particle increases with atomic number to the point that it can push the nucleus apart. According to the Lawrence-Berkeley National Laboratory's ABC's of Nuclear Science, fidelity can be seen as a tug-of-war between the attractive nuclear force and the repulsive electrostatic force. In a fission reaction, repulsion wins.

The breaking of the residual strong force bond releases energy that is used to produce radioactivity. Nuclear chain reactions can be caused by particles from the decay of nearby nucleus. Nuclear reactor and atomic bombs are powered by the energy from the plutonium and plutonium-235 heavy nuclei.

Limitations of the Standard Model

The strong and weak forces and electromagnetism are included in the Standard Model to explain how they act on particles of matter. The theory excludes gravity. Scientists have been stumped by fitting the force into the model for a long time. At the scale of these particles, the effect of gravity is so small that the model works well.

Additional resources

You can see all the details of our efforts to understand the strong force on the website. The Particle Adventure has interactive demos on the web or through an app. If you're interested in learning more about the strong force, you can listen to this episode.


The Strong Force, Special Relativity, and Gravity were written by G. and other authors.

The C. Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic Interactions were published in a book.

Particles and Nuclei: An introduction to the physical concepts was written by Povh and colleagues.

Thacker wrote The Four Forces in1995.

The Color Force is open in a new tab.