Michigan Republican candidate for governor Tudor Dixon, of Norton Shores, participates in a July 6 debate in Grand Rapids. She said abortion should be illegal unless the mother's life is at risk. (Photo: Michael Buck/Associated Press)
Michigan Republican candidate for governor Tudor Dixon, of Norton Shores, participates in a July 6 debate in Grand Rapids. She said abortion should be illegal unless the mother's life is at risk. (Photo: Michael Buck/Associated Press)

The Republican candidate for governor of Michigan participated in a debate. If the mother's life is at risk, abortion should be illegal. The photo was taken by Michael Buck.

A leading Republican candidate for governor of Michigan said in a recent interview that her opposition to abortion rights extends even to a minor who is raped by a family member.

On an episode of Charlie LeDuff's talk show, "The No BS Newshour," that aired Friday, LeDuff pressed a conservative commentator on whether her support for a strict abortion ban would apply to the most extreme cases

The case of a 14-year-old girl who becomes pregnant after being raped by her uncle was proposed by LeDuff.

It's a perfect example.

Do you mean to say carry that? He finished his question.

When a mother's life is in danger, she only supports allowing an abortion if the girl carries the baby to term.

A life is a life for me. It is how it is.

The Michigan news outlet Heartland Signal first reported on the conversation on Wednesday morning, posting a video of the exchange that it pulled from the YouTube page of "The No BS News hour."

The Michigan Democratic Party was quick to condemn the comments.

The Michigan Democratic Party said in a statement to the media that it was a good example of how dangerous TudorDixon would be for Michigan families.

There is an exception for cases when a mother's life is in danger, which is in line with Michigan's 1931 law banning abortion.

In 1973, the Supreme Court decided that abortion was a federal right.

Had a Michigan judge not granted a request for a temporary injunction blocking the law from taking effect, the 1931 ban would have been triggered.

The restoration of the 1931 law in Michigan has been challenged by the governor.

The case of a teenager who is raped is the "perfect example" of her belief that abortion should be illegal except in cases where the mother's life is at risk.

"Not everyone agrees with me that every life has value and we should have the courage to allow unborn children to be born." I'm aware of that. I don't hide from it.

She supports abortion on demand for all, including minor children, and won't say if she has any limits on it. She just vetoed a lot of money to help pregnant women. It's not pro-choice. It's anti- life. There is a big difference.

Last week, she used a line-item veto to prevent state funding from going to centers that advocate abortion. The centers are often used to pair counseling with basic resources that pregnant women need.

The centers prey on women at a vulnerable time in their lives by not offering comprehensive reproductive health care.

The state will continue to have abortion restrictions on the books even if the 1931 law is stopped. There are restrictions on abortions, including a prohibition on abortions after the point of fetal viability.

She revealed during the abortion rights fight in the state legislature that she had survived a rape as a teenager and is running for reelection on a platform of support for abortion rights.

She said that abortion remains legal in Michigan thanks to the work she did. We are trying to keep it that way.

A public poll last week showed her with a small lead over her rivals. She had a higher percentage of support than the other two men.

The winner of the Republican primary will face the Democratic nominee.

The article was first published on HuffPost.
