A DALL-E 2 result for “a photo of an astronaut riding a horse.” OpenAI

There are people waiting for a chance to use DALL-E. Openai, the company that created DALL-E, announced today that it will open the tool to one million people on the waitlist.

When users enter a phrase or string of words into DALL-E, the tool returns its own interpretation in the form of four images. The ability to edit images was added to the DALL-E 2.

The tool was only available to a few thousand people. Many people without access to DALL-E found out about the tool in June when images created using DALL-E Mini went viral.

Each prompt entered into DALL-E will cost one credit, and users will be given 50 free credits during their first month. Users will receive 15 free credits a month after that. Additional credits are available for purchase at a cost of fifteen dollars.

The tool is being used to curb misuse before a wider launch. The company is taking steps like blocking uploads of realistic faces to reduce the creation of deceptive content and prohibiting users from generating violent, adult, or political content.

Users will have the right to use the images they generate. It's possible to sell your inflatable balloon dog walker images on T-shirts. DALL-E users could use the tool to apply book illustrations, art for publishing, and characters for games.