The person is Grace Wade.
There are different forms of Hormone Replacement Therapy.
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Women with a history of breast cancer who used hormone replacement therapy did not have an increased risk of breast cancer recurrence or death.
There is more research examining the effects of HRT on cancer risk.
Vomiting, hot flashes, sleep disruption and other symptoms can be caused by a decline in oestrogen levels. HRT is a great way to relieve these symptoms. The safety of HRT has been debated.
Debasish Tripathy is an associate professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Reducing or stopping oestrogen production can lead to menopause-like symptoms in breast cancer patients.
Increasing oestrogen levels to alleviate menopause symptoms could increase breast cancer risk in people with a family history of the disease.
An analysis of 300,000 women found that taking HRT did not increase the risk of dying early from breast cancer. Studies have shown that HRT can increase the risk of breast cancer returning.
In order to further investigate the risk of recurrence, Sren Cold and his colleagues collected data on women who had been diagnosed with breast cancer between 1997 and 2004. Vaginal oestrogen therapy and systemic hormone therapy were used. No one had used HRT before they were diagnosed with cancer.
The percentage of people who had their cancer recur after 10 years was much higher for those who used vaginal oestrogen therapy and those who used systemic hormone therapy. There was no correlation between the two.
The risk of premature death was not higher for women who used vaginal oestrogen therapy with a class of drugs. There was no increased risk of breast cancer in women who used vaginal oestrogen therapy and tamoxifen together.
According to Tripathy, who wasn't involved in this research, the reason for the worse effect is because of the substitution of oestrogen.
According to Tripathy, the study size was not large enough to tell someone that they can use oestrogen products safely. He says that if you have had breast cancer, you should probably be on tamoxifen.
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