According to reports, Trump did the same thing when he was in the White House.

In Trump's first year in office, the Department of Energy sold 550,000 barrels from the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve to PetroChina.

The price for the deal was $52.30 per barrel.

The Department of Energy confirmed in a press release that PetroChina was a buyer of American oil.

The Biden administration sold 950,000 barrels to Unipec, a subsidiary of Sinopec. The Department of Energy said that it was part of a larger strategy to counter a global crude oil shortage.

Hunter Biden, the son of Biden, had ties with China's Sinopec through BHR Partners.

Hunter Biden is involved with Sinopec. The Washington Examiner claimed to have seen records that show the younger Biden still owns a minority stake in BHR Partners, despite the fact that he no longer had any financial interest in the firm.

The White House and Hunter Biden's representative did not respond to Insider's questions.

The oil going to China has been a focus of the GOP's criticism.

It was obvious that China was getting millions of barrels of oil from us, according to Trump.

The former president was asked if Biden's deal was a scandal worthy of investigation, and he said it was "strange" for the oil to be going to China.

The sale was an outrage.

Senator Josh Hawley called for an investigation into the oil sale. He said that the American people deserved answers as to how the Department justified sending oil from the SPR to China.

Legislation was introduced this month that would prevent American oil from being sold to China or other US enemies.

Cruz said it was "reckless and inexplicable" that Biden would allow oil from the reserve to be exported to China.

A top adviser to George Bush said that Trump and Biden's sales of oil to China are a nothingburger.

Whether a refiner turns it into gasoline in Louisiana or the Mediterranean or the East China Sea doesn't matter because oil is one big market and one big price.