Netflix actually used this image in its announcement tweet.
Image: Netflix

On August 1st, Sam Raimi's Spider-Man movies will be available on the streaming service.

The trilogy by Raimi is the best Spider-Man trilogy. I know the films aren't the best, but for many people of a certain age like me, they're formative movies that are packed with famous moments and meme.

Emo PeterParker is a permanently internet character. One of the best parts of Spider-Man: No Way Home was when the man who played Spider-Man said his most famous line. The Spider-Man meme was used in the announcement by the streaming service.

Soon, you will be able to relive all of the great moments from the trilogy on the internet. You can see Andrew Garfield in The Spider-Man. If you want to watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2 or any of the Tom Holland Spider-Man movies, you have to sign up for the service. It would be a lot simpler if streaming were like a complex web.


Emo Peter Parker is 10 years old today