The propensity for abstract thought may be more widespread than we thought because paper wasp can be trained to choose between different stimuli.
Alex Wilkins is a writer.
The paper wasp is smarter than it looks.
marco is a photographer
A task that requires the use of abstract concepts that only a small group of animals are known to grasp is done by swastikas.
It is thought that the ability to use abstract concepts is a key part of more complex cognitive abilities. It has only been demonstrated in a small group of animals.
The paper wasp can differentiate between the same and different things when they are trained to do so.
The wasp was put in a small box and trained with either the same or different stimuli, such as two pictures of wasp faces. The pairs were accompanied by an electric shock.
The wasp would more often choose the one that wasn't accompanied by a shock when presented with a choice of pairs of stimuli.
I'm torn between the idea that a wasp with a brain the size of a grain of rice can do this amazing thing and the idea that it isn't so amazing. Concept formation in humans is amazing, but maybe it is common, and animals can do it in a very simple way.
The fact that bees and swastikas display the use of abstract concepts suggests that this ability may be more widespread than previously believed.
It is wonderful to see a study that showsWasps to be a great deal smarter than we thought, as they are consistently rubbished by people, compared unfavourably to honeybees.
The Royal Society B's journal is titled "Poems of the Royal Society B".
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