BetterCall Saul.
I don't know if I like the latest episode of Better Call Saul.
Like every other episode this season, it was brilliant and powerful. The whiplash was a bit odd. I don't know if it was a rushed leap into the next phase of the story or if we're meant to feel this way. In the last few episodes of the season, I hope we get a bit more of Jimmy's final transformation, because I didn't think it would go down like it did.
The following arespoilers.
Jimmy and Kim are dealing with the aftermath of their actions after Howard Hamlin died. Jimmy doesn't want to admit it but it was their choices that led to Howard showing up at their apartment when Lalo also appeared.
The harassment campaign against Howard was designed to destroy his reputation and ruin his life, as well as Jimmy and Kim keeping Lalo's survival a secret. They may have pulled the trigger, but they didn't. When Mike tells them that they need to keep up the lies they started in the first place, you can tell he's not happy with them.
They do a good job on the first day. It is held together by them. They called the police and told them that he had acted drugged out. They followed Mike's instructions very well. You can see the gulf between them when they come home. The way the ground opens up between parents of a lost child is similar to the way it opens up between a couple. It's similar but not the same. This is a form of shame.
Jimmy wants to put the whole thing behind them until he knows what Kim has done. She resigned from the Bar Association because she was wracked with guilt over her actions. She can't keep working on trials. Jimmy is angry at the beginning. He told her that they were going to leave the apartment and write letters to the bar and her clients. He thinks they can fix the broken things until he sees that she is already packed.
The thing is over. Kim says they are bad for each other. Alone they are ok, but together they are poison and hurt everyone they come into contact with. She's right. Kim wouldn't have pulled the Howard con without Jimmy. Kim would insist they call it all off if he had been honest with Jimmy. Howard wouldn't be dead. He wouldn't be a widow and his wife wouldn't be. Changing its name would not happen. One lawyer says it's the end of an era. Jimmy and Kim put a lot of waste in their plan for revenge.
Jimmy wants you to know that he loves you. She says she loves you as well. That's what. She left. The time-jump happens after that.
Kim's name is Kim.
The time-jump is to the exact moment I wrote about. The show needed to take us to the precise location. The Saul of Better Call Saul and the Saul ofBreaking Bad remained, even this late in the game, two completely different characters.
Saul was obsessed with money, a dirtbag lawyer, and no sense of joy or passion for life, and he was the main character of the show.
Better Call Saul, up to this point, has been a flawed but likable guy who plays fast and loose with ethical and moral considerations, but who still tries to do the right thing. He's interested in people. He is not in this for the money, he is in it for love.
After five and a half seasons and two more episodes, we have decided to go from Jimmy to Saul. Jimmy was still his core up to now. Jimmy is dead as a result of a time jump that happened when Kim left. Saul is the only one left. Saul has grown into something ugly and greedy.
He used to be known as Jimmy McGill. The final episode of Season 6 is called "Fun and Games" and it is called Saul. He was Better Call Saul at the start of the show.
I think this is too confusing a change. I think we will see more of it. Jimmy's final fall from grace isn't many, which isn't a good sign. I have faith that the writers, directors and producers will make it work, but I am a little surprised at how long it has taken. It would be like if the last four episodes of the show focused on Walter's true nature.
In that show Walter breaks bad from the very first episode and rides that downward spiral season after season, never flinching from a new transgression motivated always by his wounded pride I can't help but wonder if the show dragged its feet a little too much or spent too much time following the exploits of its wider cast because Jimmy's journey has been more subtle and believable because of it. I wonder if Better Call Saul tarried too long on the feud between the Frings and the Salamancas, or if it was just a coincidence.
I can't really assess my opinion of this episode until next week's comes out, and maybe not until the show ends in a few more weeks. That is the marker of a well-written show that is constantly keeping you on your toes, but it is also a risk. We might get to the end without a satisfying conclusion. I have been burned before and I don't think it will happen.
Mike and his crew are shown cleaning up Jimmy and Kim's apartment. Out of compassion and almost certainly a sense of shared loss, Mike tells the dad that his son was dead and that he wasn't like the other mobsters. He died quickly and was kind. His dad just shook his head after he said the Salamancas would getjustice. Justice is just revenge according to Mike. He says that you are all alike. Everyone is having fun until someone gets hurt.
After a terrifying brush with death, Gus makes his way to a fancy restaurant where a friendly waiter pours him a glass of expensive and delicious food before sitting down next to him and telling stories. The feeling seems to be mutual between the two men. There was something established before this moment.
We know that there is a mutual attraction between the two of them, as evidenced by the fact that there is a sexual history between the two of them. As both men imagine what the special occasion might be, you can feel the tension in the air as they talk. A brief moment of peace and hope and love is shattered when a waiter leaves to show a bottle to someone else. His face is no longer shiny. His expression was flat and dark.
He told the bartender that he was called away. You can't have fun and games when you're a meth dealer. It's not time for love. How that all ends is perfectly understood by the man.
During his trip to Mexico, he met with the head of the Cartel and discussed the Lalo situation. Mark Margolis said that he believes that Lalo's assassination attempt was done by Fring and not the Peruvians. Lalo's charred body was seen by the Twins. Neither spoke on the phone with Lalo. Bank records were found in the apartment of a man who claimed to work for a drug gang.
Don Eladio laughed at his constant ding dinging. When he gets up to leave, he tells him that he sees his hate. He cautions him to be careful that it doesn't rule him.
It's all fun and games until your bitter, handicapped rival team up with a brilliant chemist and blow your face off.
The character is called Gus Fring.
This episode of Better Call Saul has me on the edge of my seat because it tells me what happens between Kim leaving and Jimmy becoming the kind of guy who would buy a massive, lavish, gaudy mansion and hire hookers. I think it will be okay if we get some fill-in-the- blanks.
They decided to leave all of this to the bitter end. It could be that it was to avoid aping the show. This was always set up like that. Jimmy was a crook in the first episode, but he wasn't like Saul. That is the same as Walter. Even though he was a teacher and not a criminal, he was still ruled by his big ego. Jimmy was never a man who was proud of his accomplishments.
I like that Kim is leaving. All of us have been guessing for a long time. Is she going to jail? She would die. She would disappear in a new life. It is not possible to say yes. She quits her career and moves on. She might need a lot of therapy. We are all.
What did you think of the show? You can let me know on social media.