Curry is the second greatest player of all time, according to Bobby Marks. There is a time and a place for it.
Andrew made his first All-Star team this year and was a crucial part of the Golden State Warriors run to the NBA title, but he still regrets what he did this season.
To be honest with you, I wish I had not beenvaccinated.
At the beginning of the season, he said he was torn over the vaccine decision. If he hadn't gotten the vaccine, he would have been in the same situation as Irving, who was only allowed to play in some games due to local laws.
Before the start of the NBA season, Wiggins got vaccine.
"I did it, and I was an All-Star this year and champion, so that was the good part, just not missing out on the best year of my career." I didn't like putting all that stuff in my body because I don't like putting stuff in my body. I did not like that it was either get this or not.
The last year of his contract with the Minnesota Timberwolves will be his last before he becomes a free agent next summer.
At the Warriors' exit interviews in June, he said he wanted to stay. It's top-notch here. They treat the players well. A lot of places say that, but they don't show it through their actions.
This report was made using information from the sports network.