Image of a FitBit Charge 5 displaying its home screen
Please just tell me where my phone is.
Photo by Jay Peters / The Verge

The latest update of the fitness tracker adds an app that allows you to ring your phone from your wrist, if you own a Charge 5. It is exciting to see this feature on one of the simpler devices, especially since I used to ping my phone several times a day when I had an Apple Watch.

The find my phone feature should be installed by Charge 5 owners. You can find instructions on how to do that in the help article. When you move down from the top of the screen, the option will show up, along with other options. Even if it is silent, it will still ring your phone if you tap it.


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The update has been reported and should be rolling out. The app doesn't say there's an update available when I tap on my profile picture. At the moment, the 171.50 update is not listed on the official tracker. I hope it shows up before I lose my phone again.