A character from The House of the Dragon.

After eight years of huge success, Game of Throne ended in the year 2019. According to a new account on the Hollywood Reporter, it was willing to take the risk in order to create a cinematic franchise that could compete with Star Wars or Spiderman.

It wasn't easy to create the House of the Dragon. Five ideas were put into development after a lot of pitches. Bloys said that he wanted to give himself every chance to succeed. "You don't want to say, 'We're going to replace the biggest show of all time and it's all going to rest on one script.'"

The five concepts were set in the past. One of them was a script about the destruction of the ancient Targaryen empire of Valyria, which was written by Max Borenstein. The William the Conqueror-inspired figure was portrayed as a drunk.

The Dance of the Dragons was the last one. There was a story that George R.R. Martin pitched to the network. Bloodmoon was the first attempt at replicating Game of thrones. During the Age of Heroes and the Long Night, it would take place. It failed to the tune of a 30 million dollar pilot that was locked in thedungeon. Martin didn't see it. The Dance of the Dragons was changed to House of the Dragon. Some of the magic may be back.

The premiere of House of the Dragon will be on August 21st.

Do you want to know more about io9. House of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, as well as what's next for the DC Universe on film and TV, can be found on this page.