Soon, I will be sleeping. I just have to check all my social media accounts. I can read a few messages immediately because I already have my phone. An hour has passed in no time at all. It's past my sleep time.
Are you aware of this description? This phenomenon has been called that for a long time. Bedtime Procrastination can lead to sleep deprivation and can occur when you want to go to bed at a certain time. Floor M. Kroese used the term for the first time in 2004. Falling asleep is delayed first. There is no reason to stay up late. There is an awareness that putting off bed time could be bad.
It is possible to fall asleep without a cell phone. It is1-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-65561-6556 A lot of other activities can prevent people from going to sleep. Since the advent of television, cell phones and computers, the phenomenon has become more prominent. Experts think that electronic devices have contributed a lot to its emergence.
One of the few studies that has been done suggests that the behavior is common. Many of them were tired on more than one day. A large number of people said their own behavior was problematic because they went to bed later than they wanted.
According to data from the U.S., people in the Netherlands are not the only ones who put off going to sleep. In a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, a psychologist from the University of Vienna and two of her colleagues found that Germany also has a high incidence of sleep deprivation. Germans don't go to bed as often as Dutch people. The survey was not a representative sample of the population.
Adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. The Statista Global Consumer Survey suggests that the rest of Germans may be too short. The majority of respondents slept five to seven hours a night. Seven to eight hours was the average for fifteen percent. Only a small percentage of people got more than eight hours of sleep on weekdays. The Child Health Foundation in Germany said that children and adolescents don't sleep enough. According to the foundation, one in eight 12- to 17-year-olds don't get enough sleep.
There are different reasons for not getting enough sleep. 20 to 30 percent of Germans suffer from occasional sleep disorders and 6 percent suffer from chronic sleep disorders according to the German Sleep Society. Other factors include those that can influence themselves. The most popular reason for going to bed late was media consumption. The people who were engaging in bedtime Procrastination were the ones who wanted to sleep earlier.
It is thought that the term "revenge bedtime procrastination" came from China. Khnel doesn't recommend using the two terms in the same sentence. She doesn't think revenge bedtime procrastination has anything to do with Procrastination. Procrastination is the act of putting off activities that are urgent and necessary and instead doing things that are less important, such as playing computer games. Khnel doesn't think the term procrastination makes sense in this context because she considers revenge bedtime procrastination "an intentional postponement of going to bed" With an intense work week, employees often work 72 hours per week, and going to bed late is the only way to keep control over one's life. Revenge for not being able to do things during the day is what comes from staying up late.
It's hard to go to bed early. Bedtime Procrastination is linked to personality. The researchers wrote in the paper that there is a link between poor self-regulation and a higher incidence of sleep-inducing tendencies.
The researchers found that people who put things off before going to bed are more likely to put things off in other ways. According to a chapter of the 2016 book Procrastination, Health, and Well- Being, a common underlying personality trait is low self- control. It is thought that this leads to putting off tedious tasks and not finishing fun activities. The concept of lack of self-control is addressed in a number of publications.
Atention-behavior gaps can occur if self-regulation fails. Think of people who want to exercise more, eat better or stop smoking, but fail to do so. The "intention-behavior gap" has been studied many times.
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Some scientists don't think that self-control is the only factor that leads to sleep-inducing tendencies. In their study, Khnel and her two colleagues looked at the influence of self-control on the way to bed. The psychologists looked at the test subjects' chronotypes.
The results show that owls are more likely to be late for work thanlarks. Khnel says that late chronotypes have to adapt to schedules that are more suited for early chronotypes. They can't fall asleep earlier because they get tired later in the evening. That is the reason why they were more likely to do it. She says that the prevailing idea is that there is a lack of resources for self regulation.
Two Polish researchers looked for other influences that might promote sleep deprivation. The researchers did not find a relationship between the occurrence and the participants place of residence, level of education or domestic status. Women were less likely to fall asleep than men. Students and study participants were 888-609- 888-609- 888-609- 888-609-
Bedtime Procrastination is not always a problem. The phenomenon can have health consequences if the person gets too little sleep because of their behavior. One feels unfocused and listless the next day because of the effects of too little rest. The long-term effects of chronic sleep deprivation are serious.
Studies show that even a small amount of sleep deprivation can harm the immune system. The brain needs a long night's rest for proper development. Long-term cognitive problems can be caused by insufficient sleep. Lack of sleep can cause self-regulation to get worse, which can lead to more procrastination.
According to a 2020 study, people with symptoms of depression in the country delayed sleep more often than those without symptoms. There was a clear link between depression symptoms and sleep problems.
A Chinese study shows that excessive phone use is related to sleep and depression. A study from the same year showed that female and male students with "smartphone addiction" were more likely to struggle with depression and anxiety. The people with low self-control were most affected by this.
When the next episode of a show is late at night or you get a lot of messages on your phone, what do you do? The goal shouldn't be to get at least eight hours of sleep a night or to always go to bed before midnight, according to the 2016 book chapter. Going to bed late can have a negative effect. Raising awareness of the consequences of sleep deprivation for health and well-being is one of the recommendations made by the authors. Most people don't see going to bed earlier as a solution for having too short a night's rest. Even a relatively simple change in behavior would have a positive effect.
Think about night routines and sleep preferences. You could ask yourself when you want to go to bed and what you're going to do. Goal setting can be done based on this.
A good night's rest can be prevented by healthy sleep hygiene. This routine includes refraining from stimulating activities before going to bed and maintaining a regular sleep-wake rhythm, all of which work for sleep disorders in which sufferers find it difficult to fall asleep or wake up frequently.
It's a good idea to have clear rules on yourself. A rule of no cell phones in the bedroom or switch off all electronic entertainment media and the light after a certain time can be adopted. It is helpful to design the environment in such a way that temptations are not present, for example, if you leave the computer in the study or only set up a TV in the living room. The very next day you pay a price for this form of entertainment that gets higher and higher in the long term if you don't create more free space during the day for enjoyable activities and relaxation. Shut your eyes and turn off the TV.
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