Russia's defense ministry said that it told a militia group to destroy long-range weapons given by the West.

The state-run Interfax news agency reported that Sergei Shoigu instructed the commander of the Vostock battalion to destroy enemy long-range missiles with high-precision weapons.

The Moscow Times reported that Shoigu told all units to prevent the possibility of massive missile and artillery strikes on areas under Russian control.

Russia used long-range weapons to fire at residential areas and set fire to wheat fields and grain storage in pro-Russia areas, according to a statement from the ministry.

Western allies have given weapons to Ukraine. In recent weeks, those included long-range weapons that the Ukrainian government said would give it an advantage over Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said earlier this month that weapons from Western countries were helping his country.

HIMARS missiles from the US were used to kill a Russian general, according to the Ukrainian government. On June 23, the first of those systems arrived in Ukranian.

The weaponry was helping the Ukrainian military, according to the US Department of Defense.

On July 10, a former commander of pro-Russia forces in eastern Ukraine said that Russia's air defense systems turned out to be useless against large-scale strikes by missiles.

Russia seems to have more weapons than Ukraine.

In order to hold back Russia and regain territory, it needs more long-range weapons.