Convention-goers in cosplay at New York Comic Con 2021.

Visitors to San Diego Comic-Con International come from all over the world for the latest in pop culture and the convention has put in place safety protocols for attendees.

The proof of a negative test must be given within 72 hours. Face coverings should cover the nose and mouth, fit against the sides of the face, and not have any gaps, according to a mandatory mask mandate.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the California COVID Assessment Tool, published by the state Department of Public Health, states that the spread of the coronaviruses is likely to increase with every Californian likely spreading it to other people. It is important to consider the size of the convention gathering as cases in the state are on the rise even if lower numbers are being reported. The counts ofronaviruses are no longer reliable. Dr. Robert Wachter is the chair of the UC San Francisco Department of Medicine. The number of cases is not likely to be the same as it was in December and January.

The covid status verification process can be started by download if you attend the convention.

There are requirements for unvaccinated adults and children who are 5 years old and older. The tests must be done by a doctor. The specimen was collected within 72 hours. As long as the testing is done within the allotted time frame, both of the two are acceptable.

The power to kick out anyone who doesn't follow the rules will be given by theSDCC.

Wristbanding locations are listed here.

Comic-Con International Verification Map
Comic-Con International Verification list

The San Diego Comic Con International runs from July 20 to July 24.