The ex- MLB star said Sunday night that he believes the player should pay the penalty for breaking another country's laws. The controversial statement was written by the pitcher in response to a plea by the basketball player to bring the player home. "I know this may seem hard to believe," the man said. "Why is it that 300 million people don't know the law?" She shouldn't pay the penalty for violating another country's laws. She was locked in a cell in Russia for over a month after authorities said they found a substance in her luggage. "I didn't want to break the law," he told the judge at the time. As long as Russia sees fit, she will remain in jail. She has never denied committing the crime, as far as I can tell. The United States government is in the process of negotiating with Russia to bring her back to the US. Following her guilty plea, she faces up to 10 years in prison. Next week is when another hearing will be held.
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