The new date is Jul 18, 2022.
The Met Office issued a'red' warning for extreme heat in the UK on Monday, with temperatures expected to hit an all-time high.
A police officer gives water to a British soldier on guard duty.
For the first time ever, the Met Office has issued a severe heat warning for parts of the U.K.
If people don't listen to the warnings, the high temperatures could cause several deaths, according to the Met Office.
Britain's national railway network said trains will travel at lower speeds and some routes will offer less frequent service over the next two days due to the heat.
Hospitals and schools in the south of England are closed due to the high temperatures.
Kit Malthouse, the U.K. cabinet minister, denied that the government was unprepared for the heat wave and said that the country was adapting.
38.7C (101.6F) The current temperature in the U.K. is the highest ever recorded. Some parts of the U.K. could see temperatures as high as 43C on Monday.
The deputy leader of the Labour Party said that ministers have gone missing. We need urgent guidance for safe working temperatures and the Government needs to make sure employers allow staff to work in this heat. Where is their plan to keep people out of harms way?
The U.K. is in the middle of a large heat wave. There have been forest fires in Portugal, Spain, France and Greece. The situation in the U.K. is worse because buildings are not designed for hot weather and air conditioning is rare in residential buildings. In the U.K. only a small percentage of homes have an AC. Climate change is believed to be the cause of the high temperatures. The chances of 40C days in the U.K. are 10 times higher than normal, according to the U.K. Met Office. The way buildings in the U.K. may need to be reconsidered.
Climate scientists say that the UK is no longer a cold country.
The train speeds are limited over the track.