The foreign coups he was involved in were in the best interests of the United States.

In a conversation with Newsmax host Eric Bolling on Friday, he elaborated on comments he made to CNN about his involvement in foreign coups.

Some of the people on the left were surprised by this. When you're looking out for America's best interests, you do what's necessary to protect those interests, according toBolton.

The failed attempt to overthrow Venezuela's president was an example of a coup he was linked to. After an insurrection against the strongman failed to happen, the planned attempt against the heir to Hugo Ch Chavez fell apart.

The US had been involved in regime changes, according to the interviewer. He said the information was classified.

The Iraq War was an example of a coup d'état, according to a question from the interviewer. The now-debunked theory that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction was pushed by the Bush administration.

The war in Iraq was the right thing to do, despite the fact that it had the effect of regime change, according to the US ambassador.

He advocated for a strong American foreign policy that showed adversaries that the US would not be taken advantage of.

When he spoke to CNN's Jake Tapper last week, he said that Trump was likely too incompetent to carry out a carefully planned coup.

The nature of Donald Trump's problem needs to be understood. The former president's actions on January 6 were less an attack on US democracy than it was on Trump, according to the former president's national security adviser, JohnBolton.

One doesn't have to be brilliant to attempt a coup.

He said that it took a lot of work to plan a coup d'état.