Wordle, the popular online puzzle game, is being reinvented as a board game.

"Wordle: The Party Game" is a board game that will allow people to play the game in real life. The game will be available in October, but fans can pre-order it for $19.99 through retailers.

The game requires players to guess a five-letter word in six tries. The board game version has players competing against each other to see who can guess the most words in the shortest amount of time.

—Hasbro Pulse (@HasbroPulse) July 14, 2022

The Wordle Host writes down a word for the other players to guess. The fewer attempts a player makes, the less points they score. At the end of the game, the player with the least points wins.

Wordle was first introduced to the public in November of last year. The game attracted 2 million players within the first few weeks of the year, compared to 90 players when it first launched.

Josh Wardle is a Brooklyn based software engineer. The game was built for Wardle and his partner.

The New York Times bought the game from Wardle at the end of the month.

Jonathan Knight is the general manager of games at The New York Times.