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Many people are upset about the current state of world affairs. Bill Gates reminded us why he was sad in a series of depressing messages.

One of the biggest setbacks in history has been the Pandemic. The war on Ukranian is a huge tragedy for the world. Most models predicted that the damage from climate change wouldn't be as bad. The U.S. has taken a big step backwards in regards to women's health.

Please tell us something we don't know. Gates has an answer to the world's problems.

Savior Complex

The Gates Foundation was founded in 2000 by him and his ex- wife. Spending by the Microsofter's foundation will increase from $6 billion to $9 billion by the year 2026.

He wants to transfer $20 billion from his personal pockets by the end of the month.

"As I look to the future, I plan to give most of my wealth to the foundation," he wrote. I will leave the list of the world's richest people.

Deep Pockets

According to CNBC, America's richest one percent gained about $6 trillion between them, while the bottom 90 percent saw their wealth decline. We are sure that all of us can think of a few world- bettering things that we would like to see happen with that money.

It's great to see one of the world's top elites commit so much money to an effort to save the world but Gates is still an individual. We'll believe it when we see it.