The Texas Attorney General filed a suit against the Biden administration because they supported emergency abortions.

In the event of a medical emergency, the Department of Health and Human Services says patients must have access to abortion. The president was attempting to twist federal law to force abortions in the state of Texas according to a suit filed by the attorney general.

The issue was returned to the states by the Supreme Court. Pre-born life is protected. Biden's HHS is trying to get rid of that. It's not on my watch. I just filed a lawsuit. I will make sure the left's abortion agenda doesn't reach Texas babies.

The lawsuit states that the Biden administration is attempting to use federal law to transform every emergency room in the country into an abortion clinic. The suit would allow Texas to ignore the guidance from HHS and determine what medical procedures are legal.

He is advocating for a state-approved method of female contraception. Rochelle said that he was advocating for the intentional killing of women. He needs to be voted out before he turns Texas into a mortuary.

Representatives for the two men did not reply to the request for comment.

"This is extreme," he said. They took away rights from women, but they weren't enough. They are going after all women.